Kvällen den 16 juli la Birkan Tore upp ett inlägg på facebook där han sa att man nu kan söka till hans Personal Mentorship Program of Intuitive Arts. Jag hade ingen aning om vad det var så jag öppnade länken till hans hemsida och började läsa. Efter att ha läst den långa texten så vet jag inte hur jag ska beskriva min känsla. Det liksom kittlade lite i magen som om min mage snurrade runt som en centrifug. Jag tyckte att det lät spännande, men visste att jag inte skulle kunna söka för att det kostade alldeles för mycket; 1450 euros = 13 511 kr.
Dagen efter när jag och mamma var hemma hos farmor så berättade jag om kursprogrammet och sa att det hade varit hur kul som helst om man hade haft råd. Mamma och farmor berättade då att pengarna säkert skulle gå att fixa fram på något sätt om jag verkligen ville gå programmet. Jag blev överlycklig och satte mig ned och skrev min ansökan så fort jag kom hem.
Innan jag började skriva satte jag på meditaionsmusik och så kallade jag på ärkeängel Gabriel och bad honom hjälpa mig att skriva så att det skulle tilltala Birkan. Sen skrev jag i över en timme. Jag tog bort delar, la till delar, skrev om vissa saker osv. Det kändes lite som att vara i skolan igen. När jag började känna mig klar lämnade jag texten utan att skicka in den, för jag ville sova lite och kolla på den igen sen. Innan jag somnade bad jag änglarna att skicka mig fler tips på hur jag kunde skriva.
Dagen efter fortsatte jag jobba lite på texten och vissa meningar som jag skrev kändes bara superbra och som "wow, vad bra sagt!" De meningarna måste kommit från änglarna ;-)
Såhär blev min ansökan:
"Dear Birkan,
I would really love to join the mentorship program and I have three main reasons for that. The first reason is because I would like to expand my understanding so I can understand more than I do now. The second reason is because this is not just an interest for me any longer. It has became my lifestyle and I wish to take it even further so I can work with this in the future because I would love to help people. The third reason is because I feel that I need a push to help me come on the right track with the right tools. I have no problem studying and practicing, but I just do not know how to do it more effective so I can get where I dream to be.
My spiritual start - spirits visited me in my sleep
I was not born with any gifts active or open, but eventually spirits began to visit me in my sleep when I was just about to wake up. The first time was about 2008 I suppose. A neighbor who passed away in 2005 belled on the door (in my dream) and I opened. She was standing there, not saying anything, just smiling big and hugging us and walked down the stairs and disappeared. The other time a spirit visited me in my dream was in 2011 and that was a big break through for me. It was my great grandmother who passed away when I was just 1 year old so I have no memory of her. She spoke with me a lot in my dream and told me everything about the other side. (Unfortunatly I do not remember everything that she told me.) The third and last time a spirit visited me in my dream was last year in May. It was my grandfather whom I never have met because he passed away before I was born. He also came belling on the door and without moving his lips I could hear him say to me that he came now to take care of me when my father passed away.
First course
I got more serious about these spiritual things and spent more time to it after a two day course in November 2014. There we learnt how to use a pendulum, see auras, psychometry, channeling angels and spirit guides. I also began visiting fairs where they have all different kinds of things for health and spiritism. There I have for example bought books which I have read and learnt a lot from. The books that I liked and learnt the most from was a book about the cosmic laws and a book about Archangel Michael written by Doreen Virtue. Beside reading I also watch documentaries about life after death, near death experiences etc.
Second course
Another break through was your angelic mediumship certification in April this year. After that I continued to practice on people around me and still I do. Since I learnt to call on the angels they also have became a part of my daily life now and helping me a lot. Especially Archangel Michael. On my own I have also begun to try performing some healing with the help of Archangel Rafael. I wanted to try it out, but I had no idea how to do and I literally said that to Rafael - "now you have to show me what I need to do because I have no idea at all". After that I just loose control of my hands as they are working and afterwards the person receiving the healing always feel better. Thanks to Rafael.
Card readings
I am also working effectively with your "Birkan's deck of intuitive answers" and giving readings on both myself and others. Last week I took it a step further and offered free readings for those who wanted on facebook. It was a good practice for me and I got a chance to feel how it would be like if I am going to work with this in the future - which is my dream. To my surprise I was more accurate than I ever thought, but it can always get better.
I am really hoping and praying that I can join this program. I am not only applying for myself and my ego, but also for all the people who I can help if I join this program.
Lots of blessings,
Nina Wessberg"
Nina Wessberg"
Man skulle även skicka med ett tydligt foto på sitt ansikte så jag skickade med detta:
Jag mejlade och frågade hur länge man måste vänta på svar och då svarade Megan som jobbar på hans företag Ask Angels att han redan satt och läste igenom ansökningarna så att det borde inte ta så lång tid. Det skrev hon i onsdags förra veckan. Ännu har jag inte hört något, men jag hoppas hoppas hoppas att jag får ett mejl snarats som säger att jag blivit antagen. Har jobbat aktivt med attraktionslagen och bett till änglarna samt avlidna anhöriga om att jag ska få bli antagen.
Här är länken till PMP:n där ni själva kan läsa om den: Personal Mentorship Program of Intuitive Arts